Sunday 25 December 2011

Welcome to My homepage

Hye guys!!!welcome to my homepage..

       Actually this blog is created to fulfill the task from my subject in Information, Communication  and Technology (ICT) In Science.
        Since this is my first trial in blogging, there might be  some weakness in the content but somehow i do hope that you guys 
enjoy walking through my homepage

p/s: Feel free to leave your comments here..I'm really appreciate it.


academic Qualification


Reflection on Data logging

Data logging is one of the task that should be fulfilled and submitted by students of ICT. Students are required to prepare a short lesson daily plan which consist of engaging, empowering and enhancing phases based on an experiment that they performed.

A data logger is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or via external instruments and sensors. Students are required to perform an experiment.

The advantage of data loggers is that they can operate independently of a computer, unlike many other types of data acquisition devices. Data loggers are available in various shapes and sizes. Data loggers also is better compared to the traditional method of experiment. This is because for a certain experiment which required us to plot graph it is impossible to plot and record the graph at the same time but in data logging the graph is automatically being plotted based on data collected from the experiment. Apart from that experiment using temperature sensor is safer compared by using the laboratory temperature because laboratory temperature is highly toxic due to the mercury content in their bulb That is why most of the lecturers in the university preferred to perform experiment by using data logger rather than the traditional one.

Reflection on modelling and simulation

Modelling and simulation is one of the application which being teached in ICT courses. Modelling and simulation  are two different things but however simulation is one of the component and do exist in modeling.  Modellig is a simplify representation of a system at some particular point in time or space intended to promote understanding of real system. It involve building mathematical model of the process by describing its f undamental chemical relationship without specifying how they are to be solved.Lets say if I have two variables which are x and y, if I change the value of one of the variables the other variables also would change in modelling whereas in simulation it focuses more towards  the changing of the movement of the object.Modelling is less interactive compared to the simulation because students now are more attracted to something which can be seen or visualized.

There are many unique features of modeling and simulation. Now I will focuses towards my group presentation. For simulation we choose evolution of heart as our title. It is impossible to observe different type of chamber in different organism through experiment but through simulation we can make impossible things become possible. Simulation is more interactive because it shows the real circulation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Modelling also have their own unique features  One of them is make the process of photosynthesis which is invisible become visible and can be seen by our naked eyes. .Apart from that simulation also enable us to determine the rate of photosynthesis by changing the value of manipulated variable (light intensity and wavelength). Students also can learn about the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis in a short learning time. That is why modeling and simulation can be used as one of the approaches in teaching methods.

National Science Education Philosophy

In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.